
New Surname Names :: D

Inspiration :: Dorsey (painting by Jed Dorsey)
Below are some surname names beginning with D that are either in usage but unusual or very rare.

Origin: English
Meaning: Habitation name
Has the same feel as popular surname names Avery and Hudson but slightly less bold sounding.
Origin: French
Meaning: Dolphin
Dauphin fits all the name trends – it is an international name, a word name and has a nature meaning. Quite a daring choice.
Origin: Irish
Meaning: Descendent of Dubhceann
Sounds like popular Tegan but with the energetic double e to perk it up a bit.
Origin: Greek
Meaning: From Delos
Historical, musical and grand. Del would be such a cute nickname.
Origin: Irish
Meaning: Dark-haired
Delaney is rising but Devaney is unheard of. Another sing-song Celtic surname to add to the list.
Origin: Gaelic
Meaning: Descendant of Dochartach
Yet another sing-song Celtic surname to add to the list.
Origin: Italian
Meaning: Sweet
Fits in with all the multi-syllabic –a ending girls names like Amelia and Arabella. Etta would probably be a better nickname than Dolly at this period of time unless your daughter is a so-uncool-she-is-cool kind of daughter.
Origin: English
Meaning: Dark
It doesn’t have the literary connections of Darcy but all the same benefits of being a nickname-sounding surname name.
Origin: Gaelic
Meaning: Black, bird name.
Dove hasn’t worked its way into many of the bird-name lists I have seen, probably because of its odd phonology but the beautiful imagery and symbolism make this name a winner.